Alok Koshti is a simple man with a powerful idea and mission. His idea is to use a user-friendly, affordable, collaborative technology and strategies to help the business world and touch the lives of people around the world.
He is currently the founder of Lawyer4Help and Key-CMS, a company which helps to provide legal services and solutions on daily business activities as well.
The key to success for any entrepreneur is hard work and perseverance. Alok Kosthi had both of these qualities which helped him succeed in different areas.
In 2010, when Alok Kosthi thought of starting something that would help people for good and as well he wanted to explore his entrepreneurial side, he found a company – Lawyer4Help. He had some experience in law while working in the law firm. So he chose to provide personal injury and medical malpractice lawsuit services in the USA.
In 2018, Alok kosthi thought of starting a new business which will help businesses to solve daily business activities and came up with – Key Carrier Management Service which provides services like BPO, KPO, accounting services etc. under one roof.
Solutions Provided By Alok Kosthi
Lawyer4Help – providing personal injury lawyer and medical malpractice attorney
A personal injury law company that specialises in the area of personal injury by connecting plaintiffs to the best attorney. The personal injury law industry is a very competitive one with many firms vying for a share of the market.These lawyers are often skilled in handling cases involving motor vehicle accidents, workplace injuries, medical malpractice and other types of injuries.
Key-CMS – Outsourcing Company in India
The outsourcing industry has been growing at an exponential rate over the last few decades. The reasons for this growth are due to the rise in globalization and the need for skilled professionals across various industries.There are many reasons why companies outsource their business. The main reason is to save money. Outsourcing can help companies save up to 50% of their payroll costs.
Outsourcing is a business practice of contracting out a certain process or part of a company’s operations to a third party. It can be done for many reasons, including cost, specialization, and access to skills or resources.
Outsourcing also allows companies to focus on what they do best, which is usually their core business. Outsourcing can also be beneficial for the company’s employees, as they are more likely to get promoted and have better opportunities for growth.
Outsourcing companies are in the business of helping businesses with their outsourcing needs. Key-CMS provides services such as staffing, lead generation, accounting and legal services etc. out of these some are mentioned below.
Key-CMS is the most modern and user-friendly BPO solution, which allows you to run your business effectively, fast and cheaply. Your client will get maximum benefit at minimum cost.
They are a group of individuals with a passion for technology. Their goal is to provide the most robust and reliable Business Process Outsourcing solution that integrates into your existing infrastructure with ease.
Lead Generation
Lead generation that focuses on getting potential customers to provide contact information so you can market to them.
Key-CMS provides lead generation service that helps you identify and convert prospects into customers. They are an end to end solution for your lead generation needs and also provide live support to our clients.
Key-CMS uses cloud-based accounting software that helps in managing the financial aspects of your business. It enables you to manage your accounts, sales and purchases, inventory, taxes, payroll and more.
Accounting service helps to save time by automating tedious tasks, allows you to secure data with encryption, backups and regularly updated security software.
A Digital Marketing Company is a business that provides services to help clients market their products or services. Digital marketing companies can offer a range of services, including web design, social media management, SEO, paid search advertising and email marketing.
Alok Koshti is Winning Globally with His Work
Alok koshti is one of the leading global entrepreneurs who helps in providing outsourcing services & legal services worldwide.
Our solutions help in outsourcing daily business activities. We are a team of experienced consultants and analysts, who have been working with various organizations and businesses across the world, to manage their day-to-day operations.
With our extensive experience, we can provide you with an array of services under one roof, which will help you run your business smoothly and effectively.
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